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पहली बार निर्यात आंकड़ा पंहुचा 10000 हजार करोड़ के पार –पढ़े कारपेट कोम्पक्ट का नया अंक ;

कालीन निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद् के चुनाव में आज सभी ६ सदस्यों को निर्विरोध निर्वाचन | उत्तर प्रदेश से प्रथम उपाध्यक्ष सिद्धनाथ सिंह और तीन सदस्य में अब्दुल रब जफर हुसैनी, राजेंद्र मिश्र ,और जम्मू कश्मीर से सेकेंड उपाध्यक्ष उमर हमीद सहित एक सदस्य पप्पू वाटल और रेस्ट ऑफ़ इंडिया से बोधराज मल्होत्रा ||Amendment In Duty Drawback Rates On Carpets And Other Floor Coverings Of Man Made Fibres For The Year 2016-17 Effective From 15th January, 2017. ,,सीईपीसी के चुनाव की सरगर्मी बढ़ी ,,डोमोटेक्स में सम्मानित भदोही के नुमान वजीरी से मिले मुख्यमंत्री || DOMOTEX - दो भारतीय कालीनों को मिला बेस्ट पानीपत में विशेष कारपेट कलस्टर स्थापित होगा : स्मृति || कि अब तक पानीपत के DOMOTEX 2017 Winners of the Carpet DOMOTEX 2017 AFTER REPORT - puts fresh wind in the sails of the global floor coverings industryDesign Awardsडिजाईन अवार्डत्री

DOMOTEX-Exhibition grounds Germany

463,285 square meters of covered indoor space, 58,000 square meters of open-air space, 24 halls and pavilions: that will give you an idea of just how big the home base of Deutsche Messe is - it's the biggest Exhibition Center in the world.

 exhibition center in Hannover is a true quick-change artist. From investment goods trade fairs to political party conventions and consumer exhibitions, from captivating concerts to exclusive corporate events – we do it all. Even so, we always take care to preserve the unique flavor of every event.
How? Very simply: By investing in ongoing modernization and expansion of our exhibition center in line with our customers’ requirements.
One benefit of this: The exhibition center in Hannover, with its 24 halls, can be divided up into four separate sites, allowing four mid-sized events to take place simultaneously – each with their own entrances, visitor navigation systems and shuttle services, without the slightest overlap. This and our strategic location in Europe, at a major crossroads in northern Germany, gives us – and you – a decisive competitive edge!
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