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U.S. President Obama to open HANNOVER MESSE 2016

04.01.2016 [ D ]
Hannover. President of the United States Barack Obama will join German Chancellor Angela Merkel to open HANNOVER MESSE 2016 announced the White House, the German Chancellery and Deutsche Messe AG on the 30th December. In 2016 the United States is Partner Country at the world’s most important trade fair for industrial technology, which runs 25–29 April in Hannover, Germany. Obama will appear at the fair’s official opening ceremony on Sunday, 24 April, and is also scheduled for the traditional opening tour of the fair with Merkel on Monday morning.

“President Obama’s participation sends a special signal about HANNOVER MESSE’s international appeal,” said Dr. Jochen Köckler, member of the managing board at Deutsche Messe AG. “And the timing is perfect: in the midst of its reindustrialization the United States has become a very attractive business partner for industry. For German machinery and plant manufacturers, the USA is once again the number one market.”

Approximately 5,000 companies from 70 countries will exhibit at HANNOVER MESSE 2016. For years HANNOVER MESSE has been the leader in promoting the digitalization of manufacturing under the rubric of Industrie 4.0. Modern manufacturing and energy technologies are core themes at the exhibition: with the motto “Integrated Industry – Discover Solutions”, HANNOVER MESSE informs international trade visitors step by step how to transform their production facilities into smart factories for the digital age and how to build intelligent, networked systems for energy generation, distribution and storage.

The United States is Partner Country at HANNOVER MESS E for the first time. Roughly 250 companies from the world’s largest economy will present their solutions for networked industry at the Hannover Exhibition Center and meet potential business partners from all over the world.

HANNOVER MESSE – Get new technology first! 
The world’s leading trade fair for industrial technology runs from 25 to 29 April 2016 in Hannover, Germany. HANNOVER MESSE 2016 features five parallel trade fairs: Industrial Automation, Digital Factory, Energy, Industrial Supply, and Research & Technology. The core topics for 2016 are industrial automation and IT, energy and environmental engineering, innovative subcontracting solutions and lightweight design, and research and development. The United States of America is Partner Country of HANNOVER MESSE 2016.
Deutsche Messe AG 
With revenue of 280 million euros (2014), Deutsche Messe AG ranks among the world’s ten largest trade fair companies and operates the world’s largest exhibition center. In 2014, Deutsche Messe planned and staged 134 trade fairs and congresses around the world – events which hosted a total of over 41,000 exhibitors and some 3.6 million visitors. The company’s event portfolio includes such world-leading trade fairs as CeBIT (digital business), HANNOVER MESSE (industrial technology), BIOTECHNICA/LABVOLUTION (biotechnology and lab technology), CeMAT (intralogistics and supply chain management), didacta (education), DOMOTEX (carpets and floor coverings), INTERSCHUTZ (fire prevention and rescue), and LIGNA (wood processing and forestry technology). With approx. 1,200 employees and a network of 66 representatives, subsidiaries and branch offices, Deutsche Messe is present in more than 100 countries worldwide

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