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पहली बार निर्यात आंकड़ा पंहुचा 10000 हजार करोड़ के पार –पढ़े कारपेट कोम्पक्ट का नया अंक ;

कालीन निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद् के चुनाव में आज सभी ६ सदस्यों को निर्विरोध निर्वाचन | उत्तर प्रदेश से प्रथम उपाध्यक्ष सिद्धनाथ सिंह और तीन सदस्य में अब्दुल रब जफर हुसैनी, राजेंद्र मिश्र ,और जम्मू कश्मीर से सेकेंड उपाध्यक्ष उमर हमीद सहित एक सदस्य पप्पू वाटल और रेस्ट ऑफ़ इंडिया से बोधराज मल्होत्रा ||Amendment In Duty Drawback Rates On Carpets And Other Floor Coverings Of Man Made Fibres For The Year 2016-17 Effective From 15th January, 2017. ,,सीईपीसी के चुनाव की सरगर्मी बढ़ी ,,डोमोटेक्स में सम्मानित भदोही के नुमान वजीरी से मिले मुख्यमंत्री || DOMOTEX - दो भारतीय कालीनों को मिला बेस्ट पानीपत में विशेष कारपेट कलस्टर स्थापित होगा : स्मृति || कि अब तक पानीपत के DOMOTEX 2017 Winners of the Carpet DOMOTEX 2017 AFTER REPORT - puts fresh wind in the sails of the global floor coverings industryDesign Awardsडिजाईन अवार्डत्री

Architecture scene's dialogue

Dialogue with leading lights of the international architecture scene at the Innovations@DOMOTEX Dialogues

The Innovations@DOMOTEX areas will not only feature attractive exhibitors, but also provide the backdrop for a series of presentations and panel discussions (the Innovations@DOMOTEX Dialogues ) in which renowned architects and designers will explore architectural trends and developments where floors and flooring play an important role. The speaker lineup includes star creatives from Lissoni Associati (Milan), Coop Himmelb(l)au (Vienna), Alexander Brenner Architects (Stuttgart), BBP - Blocher Blocher Partners (Stuttgart), Bogevischs Buero Architekten & Stadtplaner (Munich), Kinzo (Berlin), D’art Design Gruppe (Neuss), and JOI Design (Hamburg). The presentations and panel talks will focus on design for hotels, restaurants, offices, healthcare facilities, shops and residential settings.
Each Dialogue session will be followed by tours tailored to the subjects covered in that session. The tour program is aimed primarily at creatives from the architecture, interior architecture and interior design scenes who are at DOMOTEX scouting for new ideas on floor covering applications. The Innovations@DOMOTEX format also includes Guided Tours of selected exhibits, led by big-name architects and designers. The Guided Tours will run twice daily. Full details of the Innovations@DOMOTEX showcase can be found in the Innovations@DOMOTEX Guide.
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