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पहली बार निर्यात आंकड़ा पंहुचा 10000 हजार करोड़ के पार –पढ़े कारपेट कोम्पक्ट का नया अंक ;

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The 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Carpet Export Promotion Council shall be held on 30th September, 2015 (Wednesday) at 9.30 A.M. in Hotel Radisson, L-2, Sector-18, NOIDA, Distt: Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.) to transact the following business:
  1. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Council for the year ended     31st March, 2015 as required under Article-41 of the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Carpet Export Promotion Council.

  1. To receive and adopt the Audited Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Accounts of the Council for the year ended 31st March, 2015 along with the Report of the Auditors thereon, as required under Article-41 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Carpet Export Promotion Council.

  1. To appoint Auditors for the Council to hold office from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and to fix remuneration as required under Article-41 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Carpet Export Promotion Council.

  1. To defer the Retirement and Election for the office of  1/3rd Members of the Committee of Administration from various categories for the year 2014-15 and to retain the existing members of Committee of Administration of the Council to function and discharge its power till the next elections are held and Members are elected.

To further authorize the present Committee members to function as a Committee and discharge their powers under the Articles of Association of the Company and the Company law till the next elections are complete and a new Committee is in place. 

We would request all members of the Council to make it convenient to attend
the meeting.

Note:  Please note that in case of adjournment due to lack of quorum, the adjourned meeting shall be held at 11.30 a.m. at the same place on 30.09.2015.

         By Orders of the Committee of Administration

PLACE   :  NOIDA                                                SHIV KUMAR GUPTA
Dated     :  2nd September,2015                  Executive Director-Cum-Secretary
No. CEPC/SEC/AGM/2014-15



1.            As per Article-41 of the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Carpet Export Promotion Council, the report on the proceedings of the Committee of Administration of the Council for the year ended 31st March, 2015 is placed to be received and adopted by the General Body.  Accordingly, the  General Body is requested to receive and adopt the report on the proceedings of the Committee of Administration of the Council for the year ended 31st March, 2015

2.            As per Article-41 of the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Carpet Export Promotion Council, the audited Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Accounts of the Council for the year ended 31st March, 2015 is placed to be received and adopted by the General Body.  Accordingly, the General Body is requested to receive and adopt the audited Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Accounts of the Council for the year ended        31st March, 2015.

3.           As per Article-41 of the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Carpet Export Promotion Council, the General Body is authorized to appoint Auditors for the Council to hold office from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and to fix remuneration.  General Body is, therefore, requested to appoint Auditors for the Council to hold office from the conclusion of the AGM till conclusion of the next AGM and to fix remuneration.

4.            Members are informed that in accordance with the provision contained under Article-41 of the Memorandum & Articles of Association, the Committee of Administration has to approve retirement of 1/3rd Members of the Committee of Administration from various categories and fill up the vacancies by conducting elections The Committee unanimously accepted to implement Govt.’s directive as enunciated in para 2.92 (a) of Handbook of Procedures of FTP 2015-2020 of  the Government of India, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Deptt. of Commerce. The members of the Committee of Administration reviewed the updation of member’s data for using web-based electronic voting system and further decided that the office secretariat should update and check the Members data and apprise the Members on Web-based Election procedure through Presentation and/or through letters. After detailed discussions and keeping in view the provisions of Companies Act, the Committee decided to convene next Annual General Meeting by            30th September, 2015 and the matter regarding retirement of 1/3rd Committee Members from various categories be placed in the next meeting of COA for approval and conducting elections to fill up the vacant positions by              31st December, 2015.
Committee also decided to retain the existing members of Committee of Administration of the Council to function and discharge its power till the next elections are held and Members are elected and further authorize the present Committee Members to function as a Committee and discharge their powers under the Articles of Association of the Company and the Company law till the next elections are complete and a new Committee is in place.

Therefore, Committee after detailed discussions, decided to defer the Retirement and Election for the office of  1/3rd Members of the Committee of Administration from various categories for the year 2014-15 and to retain the existing members of Committee of Administration of the Council to function and discharge its power till the next elections are held and Members are elected and further authorize the present Committee Members to function as a Committee and discharge their powers under the Articles of Association of the Company and the Company law till the next elections are complete and a new Committee is in place. 

Members may kindly approve the same.
Please see attached documents.
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