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पहली बार निर्यात आंकड़ा पंहुचा 10000 हजार करोड़ के पार –पढ़े कारपेट कोम्पक्ट का नया अंक ;

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Indian carpet expo 2 day

The 31st Edition of India Carpet Expo  which was inaugurated on            11th March, 2016  by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Honorable Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge), Government of India in the august presence of   Shri Virender Singh, Hon’ble Member of Parliament from Bhadohi,  Ms. Rashmi Verma, IAS,Secretary (Textiles), Dr. K. Gopal, IAS,Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) and other Senior Govt. Officials from the Central and State Governments, beside representatives from Trade and Media in  its 2nd day has attains new mile stone in terms of number of overseas buyers and response from almost all carpet importing countries.


On the  second day of the fair  the important dignitaries who visited the fair are  Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Former Chief Minister J&K, Shri Zahid Beg, MLA Bhadohi, alongwith Dr. K. Gopal, DC (Handicrafts), Ms. Geeta Narainain, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Shri Anwari Ali, Joint Director,  Export Promotion Bureau, Govt. of U.P & Diplomats from various Foreign Embassies in India.

Shri Kuldeep R. Wattal, Chairman, CEPC while briefing the press said that while India Carpet Expo has attained the status of the largest carpet fair in Asia, it has also received great appreciation from the visiting overseas buyers in respect of new developments shown by the Indian Carpet  manufacturers, the latest designs and colour trends as per the feedback by the importing countries has added to the increase in number of orders being placed by the buyers and also an indication that Indian carpet industry in-spite of various set backs is set to retain its status of number one exporter of carpets both in terms of value and volume.
 Till the time of going to press 341 buyers  & 265 Buying Representatives had  already transacted their business with participating exporters/ exhibitors and trend for coming 2 days also looks very good. 

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