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पहली बार निर्यात आंकड़ा पंहुचा 10000 हजार करोड़ के पार –पढ़े कारपेट कोम्पक्ट का नया अंक ;

कालीन निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद् के चुनाव में आज सभी ६ सदस्यों को निर्विरोध निर्वाचन | उत्तर प्रदेश से प्रथम उपाध्यक्ष सिद्धनाथ सिंह और तीन सदस्य में अब्दुल रब जफर हुसैनी, राजेंद्र मिश्र ,और जम्मू कश्मीर से सेकेंड उपाध्यक्ष उमर हमीद सहित एक सदस्य पप्पू वाटल और रेस्ट ऑफ़ इंडिया से बोधराज मल्होत्रा ||Amendment In Duty Drawback Rates On Carpets And Other Floor Coverings Of Man Made Fibres For The Year 2016-17 Effective From 15th January, 2017. ,,सीईपीसी के चुनाव की सरगर्मी बढ़ी ,,डोमोटेक्स में सम्मानित भदोही के नुमान वजीरी से मिले मुख्यमंत्री || DOMOTEX - दो भारतीय कालीनों को मिला बेस्ट पानीपत में विशेष कारपेट कलस्टर स्थापित होगा : स्मृति || कि अब तक पानीपत के DOMOTEX 2017 Winners of the Carpet DOMOTEX 2017 AFTER REPORT - puts fresh wind in the sails of the global floor coverings industryDesign Awardsडिजाईन अवार्डत्री

Siddh Nath Singh elect new Chairman Handicrafts and Carpet Sector Skill Council

Siddh Nath Singh was elected as Chairman of Handicrafts and Carpet Sector Skill Council (HCSSC) on 21, February 2017 (Tuesday) in a board meeting of the Council at New Delhi. Mr. Siddh Nath Singh is also 1st Vice-Chairman of the Carpet Export Promotion Council and he has been associated with carpet Industry for the last three decades.

         In today’s dynamic modern era where the whole world has transformed into small common market the role of skill artisan has become a need of the Handicrafts and Carpet industry and they need to be trained as per need of the Industry, said Shri Siddh Nath Singh, addressing meeting.

The HCSSC is promoted by Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH), Carpet Export Promotion Council (CEPC) and NSDC and is focussing on skill development and training needs of Handicrafts and Carpet Sector.

Sri Atul Saluja, Sri Arshad Mir, Sri Rishi Soni were also selected as Co-Chairman, General Secretary and  Treasurer respectively during the meeting.
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