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Carpet fair 2016 booking start

INDIA CARPET EXPO, 11 - 14 March, 2016 in NSIC Exhibition Complex, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi.

No. CEPC/ICE-MARCH-2016/                         Dated : 31st December, 2015


Sub.:  INDIA CARPET EXPO, 11 - 14 March, 2016 in NSIC Exhibition Complex, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi.
Dear Member,

          The Carpet Export Promotion Council is organizing 31st India Carpet Expo,  a sourcing platform for Handmade carpets and other floor coverings from  11 - 14  March, 2016 in NSIC Exhibition Complex, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi. This Expo has now established as Asia’s biggest Handmade carpet show with its ever growing patronage from buyers all over the world. There are tremendous business opportunities for participating manufacturers and exporters as various  prominent Overseas Handmade Carpet Buyers from all over the world will be attending this Expo. This Council offersattractive complimentary package of  Air fare subsidy and complimentary hotel accommodation for     2 nights in Delhi to the Selected Buyers

The details of the participation charges and other facilities are as under :

a.           Participation Charges : Rs. 4,600/- per sq. meter + Service Tax @ 14.50%, which  includes built-up stand with table, Chairs, Spot lights, facia name and carpeted flooring of each stand.

b.           Compulsory Charges: Rs. 1500/- per exhibitor for their profile entry in the Fair Directory + Service Tax @ 14.50%  .

c.           Payment Terms: Participants may remit 50% as advance along with the booking form and pay the balance by 29th February, 2016.  After the allotment of stands, the participants has to make full payment by 29th February, 2016 else the possession of the stand will not be given to the defaulter participants.  All payments to be made by Demand Draft or at par cheque favouring “Carpet Export Promotion Council” payable at New  Delhi or transfer of payment by RTGS as per below details :

Name of the Beneficiary   
C/A.  Account No.
B-2 Market, Safderjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029
d.           Dispatch/ Return of Exhibits – Council will assist in the dispatch and return of the Exhibits by notifying the agents at the exhibitor’s cost.

Interested Members may send their  space requirement in the enclosed Booking Form with Terms and Conditions and Exhibitors Profile Entry Form duly filled in along with requisite amount  to the Council at the earliest. The Council reserves its right to allot any stand and also to accept or reject any application for participation in the above Expo, without assigning any reason.

                                                                     Yours faithfully,

                                                               SHIV KUMAR GUPTA
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